What we do

We are a faith based Christian ministry serving the broad spectrum of denominations with a Passion to preach the Gospel and teach Christians to do the same.


  • To Fulfill The Great Commision  Mathew 28:18-20

  • Work alongside prison Chaplains to promote The Gospel

  • Share The Gospel to all the world

  • Speak at Church and Community outreach events 

  • Equip Christians in effective Evangelism 

  • Work alonside other ministries to promote The Gospel

  • Speak in Schools and education providers

  • Offer a writing service to council Christian prisoners 

  • Teaching at Christian Summer camps and Bible schools

  • Itinerant preaching

  • Work with local communities to promote The Gospel

  • Work alongside Pastors and Ministers to reach The lost



I pray that this ministry will only seek to Glorify God through our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit.

I pray for boundless opportunities to share the Gospel and to teach the church to do the same.

I pray for wisdom and discernment in all we do, that we may through Him accomplish what He has instructed us to do.

I pray that we seek The Lord Jesus in everything we do.

In the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour



"I believe John's book 'If A Wicked Man' should be in every prison library in the U.K." (Rev Shawn Verhey)

Can you help me to order enough copies of my book to give away freely to every prison? Email me here for details. Or make a donation into the account set up for books for prisoners. 


sort code 110955

account 00278174


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© Escape Ministries